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White Announcements

Student Handbook

Happy Spring Break

The White Campus would like to wish our students and staff a Happy Spring Break.

Legacy SAP is offering 6 counseling sessions for Mountain Education Students for $10 a year!

Legacy SAP is offering 6 counseling sessions for Mountain Education Students for $10 a year! Students of Mountain Education have the opportunity to receive short term counseling services as part of the Student Assistance Program (SAP). Sessions are offered in person or virtually. To find out more click the button below.

Student Assistance Services Information

For the second time, the White Campus has received the honor of being the #1 site out of the 18 campus locations in the Mountain Education Charter High School System.  Congratulations to all the students, parents, faculty, and staff who made this possible!  

#1 Site for 2022, White Campus,  MECHS.