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Social Studies

Social Studies Course Descriptions

World History 
The high school world history course provides students with a comprehensive, intensive study of major events and themes in world history. Students begin with a study of the earliest civilizations worldwide and continue to examine major developments and themes in all regions of the world. The course culminates in a study of change and continuity and globalization at the beginning of the 21st century.

The government course provides students with a background in the philosophy, functions, and structure of the United States government. Students examine the philosophical foundations of the United States government and how that philosophy developed. Students also examine the structure and function of the United States government and its relationship to states and citizens.

US History 
The high school United States history course provides students with a comprehensive, intensive study of major events and themes in United States history. Beginning with early European colonization, the course examines major events and themes throughout United States history. The course concludes with significant developments in the early 21st century.

Personal Finance and Economics 
The economics course provides students with a basic foundation in the field of economics. The course has five sections: fundamental concepts, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and personal finance. In each area, students are introduced to major concepts and themes concerning that aspect of economics.