Family Engagement
Federal Programs Contacts:
Executive Director
Maggie Nations
Title I Coordinator
Dr. Victoria Stroud
Family Engagement Coordinator
Shanda Bartlett
ESOL Director
Sherenna Vandiver
Homeless & Foster Care Liaison
Dr. Victoria Stroud
Migrant Liaison
Director of Student and Staff Wellness
Director of Professional Learning
Taylor Stowe
Mountain Education Family Engagement Shanda Bartlett |
English Learner Support |
Family Engagement |
Homeless Education |
Migrant Education |
Title I |
Title IX |
Family Engagement
Parent Involvement is the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. The purpose is to ensure that parents play an integral role in their child’s learning and are active in their child’s education at school.
Get involved with school decision making
-Attend Title I meetings each fall and spring
-Complete Surveys (On Survey Tab)
-Listen for volunteer opportunities
-Attend nights developed to help you understand MECHS more
Parent Resources:
High School Parent Newsletter (English)
High School Parent Newsletter (Spanish)
Welcome Parents and Families
Parent and Family Engagement is an ongoing process that increases active participation, communication, and collaboration between parents, schools, and communities with the goal of educating the whole child to ensure student achievement and success.
The Georgia Department of Education’s Family-School Partnership Program ensures that Title I, Part A parent and family engagement regulations are met with meaningful and strategic actions to build parent and school staff capacity as mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Schools and districts must ensure that strong strategies are in place to: 1) build capacity to engage parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school; and 2) share and support high student academic achievement.
Mountain Education believes that parents, schools, families, and communities working together can create meaningful partnerships that ultimately lead to significant gains across the board in student achievement. We also believe that an informed, engaged, and supportive family plays an essential role in a student's academic success. Mountain Education supports families in partnerships with schools, district, and the community in achieving academic success for all students. This page is designed for families to be provided valuable information, resources, and various tools to help support your child's learning, as well as to engage you as an active partner in the education of your child. Check out the video below that discusses the important role families play in their child’s growth and development and shares advice on how you can get involved and stay up-to-date with your child’s learning progress.
For questions, concerns, or additional information please contact the District Parent Involvement Coordinator, Shanda Bartlett. If you would like to schedule a work session for resources or help, please let us know.
Provide additional input here